Buzz Bomb Coffee

(2 customer reviews)



Buzz Bomb Coffee – This is our ‘you’ll never sleep again’ blend.

We’ve mixed in a healthy dose of rich and earthy Sumatra Lintong coffee with a big dollop of Indian Robusta coffee.

“Robusta?”, you ask.  “Isn’t that the type of coffee that is so crammed with caffeine that if I drank a cup my feet might not ever touch the ground again!?!  And isn’t Robusta harsh tasting?”  Yes, you are correct on both counts.

Robusta has about twice the caffeine content of Arabica coffee so it really helps you to get your buzz on.  And drinking a straight cup of Robusta is definitely a significant taste departure from a cup of Arabica.

But with Buzz Bomb you’re not drinking a full cup of Robusta, you’re drinking predominantly Arabica with a specific amount (that’s our secret, okay) of Robusta blended in to enhance the flavour.  Also the Robusta we use is from India, not Vietnam–the world’s largest Robusta producer.  And this particular Indian Robusta is considered by many to be the world’s best tasting, smoothest Robusta.  In fact, while Buzz Bomb is power packed, it is a surprisingly smooth cup of coffee.  It’ll put a smile on your face.

So premium Sumatra Lintong plus premium Indian Robusta equals a cup you can enjoy anytime.  Be cautious though.  One devoted fan said, “I wouldn’t drink it before bed time.”  But hey, everyone’s different and who knows, it may just become your favourite postprandial (I’ve been waiting years to use that word in a sentence!) drink.


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Additional information

Weight 0.227 kg
Coffee Type

Fine Grind, Standard Grind, Whole Bean

Pack Size

227g, Ikg

2 reviews for Buzz Bomb Coffee

  1. Darragh O Sullivan

    Booom. Love it. So smooth and we use raw honey with it. Add whisky and cream from time to time

  2. Ciara

    The best coffee I ever had, love Red Rooster!!

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