A Coffee Revelation

I’m not too smart.  If you didn’t know that already it will become glaringly apparent very soon.  That’s because I’m going to try and sell you something . . . but I’m not going to make a dime on the sale.  Not too smart.

So one of my customers recommended I get an AeroPress.

Then another.  And a few others as well.

Then my favourite barista, who has a €16,000 Simonelli turbocharged rock-star espresso machine, told me I had to have one.  He said it was a ‘must have’ for home coffee making equipment.

By the way, what I’m encouraging you to buy only costs 0.001809375% of €16,000.  It’s not going to break the bank.

I took everyone’s advice and bought an AeroPress andI’m happy to report, with no equivocation, that I’m really glad I took my customer’s advice!

The AeroPress  ‘machine’, if you want to call it that, is super simple to use, super fast to brew a cup of coffee, and the clean-up is a snap.

Another benefit: I take my daughter to school every morning.  I used to get up earlier in my pre- AeroPress world to have the time to make us a pot of coffee so we could enjoy a go-cup together on the drive to school.  But now I can squeeze every minute of slumber out of the day because my brewing time has been cut by about 70%.  And the coffee is better too.  How cool is that!?!

The device is deceptively simple to use.

Put a filter in the strainer.  Screw that onto the body of the AeroPress .  Scoop in your coffee.  Add water.  Stir.  Plunge.  Viola!  Great coffee.

To clean up, unscrew the strainer and eject the spent coffee puck and filter into the trash.  Rinse.  Done.

I could go on and on about the beautiful aroma and flavour of the coffee, which is the important part, but you’ll just have to find that out for yourself.

Once you get the AeroPress and have your first 10 or 20 cups of coffee and lean back and say with love in your heart, “That Red Rooster guy who recommended the AeroPress is a genius,” make sure you send us an email and tell us about your experience.

If you love a good cup of coffee the AeroPress is money well spent.  And if you love bad coffee—heaven forbid—the AeroPress will make it better.